M4A 192kbps:
MP3 320kbps:
This song unfortunately isn't on the ACU Soundtrack so I thought I'd share with you. Recorded by me. This song plays after the 2nd assassination when it tells you to "Escape the Area". I have no idea if it plays after that, but thats when I recorded it. Download and share it! (I'm known for getting rare songs from video games, please request anything you'd like to hear from ACU or any other game on any platform, old or new.)
Tags: le roi est mort music song walkthrough sequence 4 memory 2 gameplay rare theme
M4A 192kbps:
MP3 320kbps:
This song unfortunately isn't on the ACU Soundtrack so I thought I'd share with you. Recorded by me. This song plays after the 2nd assassination when it tells you to "Escape the Area". I have no idea if it plays after that, but thats when I recorded it. Download and share it! (I'm known for getting rare songs from video games, please request anything you'd like to hear from ACU or any other game on any platform, old or new.)
Tags: le roi est mort music song walkthrough sequence 4 memory 2 gameplay rare theme
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